Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just can't do it...

I'm having such a hard time blogging this week.  

After the devastation that our state (and many others around us) has faced in the past week, I've had a difficult time continuing with my everyday, normal routine.  Just knowing that there are SO many people who want their lives to return to normal, too, just makes my heart hurt.  I can't bring myself to talk about anything pleasant, enjoyable, or fun... just can't do it.

I know things will go back to normal soon... well, maybe not soon.  But eventually.

I've also been in a terrible mood for the past week.  I know, I should be so thankful that my family and home are all in one piece.  And believe me, I AM.  I have so much to be thankful for... especially considering what so many have gone through - and continue to go through.

I have been missing my husband terribly.  He works for the power company, so you can imagine how much he's been working the past 7 days.  18ish (sometimes 24) hours a day.  For 7 days.

He's exhausted... and I'm exhausted just thinking about how exhausted he is!!

But the good news: Their goal was to have 95% of all power (to the places that could take power) ON by Wednesday.  

Well, today is Wednesday.  

They met their goal YESTERDAY!  98% ON.

414,000 people without power last Wednesday - 2,000 today.

I am so unbelievably proud of my husband, all the men and women from AL. Power, and all the folks from other states who have been here pitching in.  AMAZING.

But that doesn't mean I don't miss him.  Jase misses him.

And that's another thing.  This whole situation has really thrown a kink in Jase's routine.  He's been so out-of-whack.  And combined with my bad mood, it's been a rough week.  I've had to apologize to him several times.  Thank goodness, he just smiles and says, "It's okay, Mommy."  Unconditional love.

We are HOPING AND PRAYING that Daddy will get to come home at a decent hour tonight.  Not only to spend some time with us, but to SLEEP!  He's slept in hotels, in storage buildings on air mattresses, and in trucks.  I'd love for him to get more than a few hours of sleep in his nice warm bed... on our new mattress that I made a point to go buy this week. :)  He thanks me.

So, after all my whining, I have to apologize to you, also.

I am not a selfish person, and I don't want to be one EVER... and especially in this situation.  I've been a couple of times to help in communities who lost everything... including ones they loved.

I can't imagine.  I am so very blessed, thankful, and grateful for God's protecting hand upon me and my family.

Thanks again for letting me blow off some steam... that's what blogs are for, right?? :)

Eventually, I'll be back to normal and posting some uplifting things.  Just hang with me.

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