Monday, July 26, 2010

I know, Lord...

So faithful
So constant
So loving and so true
So powerful in all you do
You fill me
You see me
You know my every move
You love for me to sing to you...

I know that you are for me
I know that you are for me
I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness
I know that you have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me who you are

So patient
So gracious
So merciful and true
So wonderful in all you do
You fill me
You see me
You know my every move
You love for me to sing to you

I know that you are for me
I know that you are for me
I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness
I know that you have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me that

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tough Stuff

Have you ever had something beat you up, day after day, while you wondered if it was God speaking?  
Has He ever SMACKED you upside the head to make sure you heard Him? 

This week, I've been struggling with something... forgiveness.  I have realized that there are a couple of people that I needed to forgive, and in turn, ask for forgiveness. 

If you are human, you understand that this can be very difficult.  I have an extremely hard time letting go of grudges (and my husband reminds me of this daily).  I promise I'm working on it.

My devotion for today read...

"I would never imply that getting over rejection is easy, but it is God's unquestionable will for your life." 

"Lord, help me to obey You and not repay anyone evil for evil.  Help me to be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.  If it is possible, as far as it depends on me, I want to live at peace with everyone."

There are a couple of people who have been on my heart and mind this week, and I knew what had to be done. 

The first didn't go so well.  I did apologize and try MY BEST to make things right.  However, I don't think this person is willing to forgive me.  I can only pray that I did everything possible to take care of the situation. 

Hopefully, the next will have a happier ending.