Wednesday, May 25, 2011

it's your money...

FOREVER now, my husband has been saying, "I'm getting an iPhone." 

And every time, I say, "No you're not."

He's so rough on phones.  He drops them, sits on them, loses them, and all sorts of other horrible things.

But both of our contracts finally ran out w/ AT&T.  He called me yesterday at work and said, "Let's just go by and see how much it would cost."

I was still totally against it.  I can just see a disaster waiting to happen.
In all actuality, he pays for everything, so I guess he can do whatever he wants... I usually am pretty good at talking him out of things. :)

The next thing I knew, we were BOTH leaving the store with new iPhones. 

Craziness.  But I do love it... I spent all night playing with it. :)

Before, I had a Blackberry (that was a hand-me-down) and he had a little crappy phone that barely worked.  But our payment was pretty high since I had to carry a data plan, and we had separate texting plans.

Now, we both have data, unlimited text and new phones and it comes out to be exactly the same amount!  I was impressed.... but it's only b/c he gets a little discount for being a Southern Co. employee.... wish we had known about that for the last 7 years, huh?

The only deal is:  if he breaks it, tough luck.  There will be ABSOLUTELY NO replacing it.... for 700 bucks.  No way.

We'll see how long it lasts (and pray really hard he doesn't ruin it).

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