Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Let me just tell you....

... about my experience with potty training last week.

For so long now, we've been pee-peeing in the potty.  It's become second nature.  Poo-pooing is a whole other story.  He just will not do it in the potty, UNLESS you catch him right when it's coming out.  (Gross, I know.)  But that's only happened a handful of times.

So I got the bright idea (after hearing several people say it was successful) to just put him in real underwear one day.  I felt certain that he was ready and would keep them dry.


Tuesday was hell on earth in the potty department.  I cleaned the floor 3 TIMES.  Pee and poop.   MAJOR YUCK.  And it was almost as if it were a game to him.  He KNOWS better, but he just wanted to see what I'd do.

So after the 3rd mopping of the hardwoods, I gave up.  Went straight back to the Pull Ups.

Now, after receiving some great encouragement on Facebook, I decided I was being too hard on myself, as well as Jase.  (I hate to admit it, but after the 3rd "accident" I even sat him in time out - which didn't even phase him.)

Jason knew what a terrible day it had been and even he assured me that it was okay.  He's usually the one to get really stern with Jase about using the potty.  But he even realized that he MIGHT JUST NOT BE READY.  That's hard to admit.  He's almost 3!!!  And he's so smart.  I just know he's capable.  And I'm SO TIRED of cleaning dirty diapers. :(

So today, I went back to normal with Jase.  No stressing, just casually talking about the potty.  And pee-peeing every hour or so (which seems to work for him).  I want to get to the point where he TELLS ME when he needs to go.  So I went with this method:

I also bought several little dollar item toys at Dollar General to wrap and keep in a box.  When he fills up the sections, he gets a prize.  

Here's to crossing my fingers and PRAYING this works. :)

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