Thursday, February 17, 2011


I hate making decisions.

We're trying to plan a trip... just my hubby and me.  

Although, I'm 99.9% against it.  I don't wanna leave my baby. :(

But we are forced to go somewhere, since we've never been anywhere alone since Jase was born.

So, we're thinking cruise.  

Mobile or Jacksonville???

Mexico or Bahamas???

5 hour drive or 8 hour drive???

4 days away from Jase or almost 6 days away from Jase???

OH MY.  So many things to think about.

I'm anxious already.  Maybe a trip isn't such a good idea after all.

1 comment:

  1. Let me just tell you, when all I had was one little baby boy, you couldn't have pried me away from him with a all-expense paid trip to Hawaii! Now that I have three, I couldn't find anyone to keep all of them for long enough to take a trip even if I wanted to. So, I guess what I'm saying is take advantage of it while the opportunity presents itself because it may not always be possible. Jase'll be fine! It'll be you who struggles!
