Sunday, January 2, 2011

What inspires me the most...

...are 2 lovely people... my parents.

After having a conversation with my mother the other day about Christmas (how they spend too much on us big kids - me, my sister, and our hubbies) and how they don't have to, I realized just how lucky I am.

Now, don't get me wrong.  It's not just the gift-giving that made this occur to me.  I have always known that I am extremely blessed to have loving, supportive parents who have ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS stood by me.... no matter what.

I am just reminded that they will always do everything they can to make our lives special.

They inspire me... to be that kind of parent.

The absolute most important thing in my life comes in the form of a blond-haired, blue-eyed 2-year-old.  

I know that I am nowhere near perfect, and will never be perfect.  But I want to be perfect in his eyes.  If I can accomplish that, I will have done a good job in life.  

I want to give him everything he ever needs.... or wants.

I want to make him proud.


  1. What an absolutely lovely post. It is so nice when we can stop and see how Blessed we really are.You son is adorable!
