Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Can you believe it???

Winter Storm 2011 in Alabama.

Maybe not as bad as the Blizzard of '93, but still..... it was a lot of snow (considering we never see more than a dusting).

I think I was one of the VERY FEW people I know that was excited about possibly being snowed in.  My mother, for one, hates cold weather.  She'd rather be beaching.  (I would definitely choose the beach over snow, too, but I mean... come on.  It's January.  Snow is part of it.)

The only thing I WASN'T looking forward to was the fact that when they say "storm" my hubby gets called to work.  Doesn't matter if it's lightening, tornadoes, or snow... he's gonna have to go.  But we are so thankful for our power men.  LUCKILY, we didn't lose power.

Which brings me to my next point... b/c my family was a tad worried that we'd get snowed in at our house with no form of heat, we decided to stay at my parents' house Sunday night.  It was fun... nice and cozy... and I appreciate them taking us in.  But come Monday, I was ready to get back to my house!

So, I forced (not really, they were kind enough to offer) my cousins to take us home in their 4-wheel drive.  Surprisingly, the roads weren't too bad at that point, just pretty slushy.

Right after we got home, Hubby got released and was able to come play with us in the snow!!!

Jase's last snow wasn't too thrilling for him.  He didn't care for it ONE BIT.  But this time, he couldn't get enough!  He cried everytime I told him we had to go in and thaw out. :)

Schools have been closed for 3 DAYS here... we're just not used to this Winter weather.  Hopefully they'll be back in session before the end of the week (I know all of my teacher friends are anxious to get back).  However, the snow hasn't melted much... and the temperatures the rest of the week are going to be FRIGIDLY(not sure about that word) cold.  So who knows if the snow will still be here come the weekend.  It might just be.

Here's some pictures of our fun-filled snow days!

 my beautiful boy :)
 sledding @ Grandmommy and Pop's house

 my parents' house

 snowball fight!

 my parents

 daddy building us a snowman

 jase LOVES ice... we caught him eating everything in sight!  stinker.

Such a fun few days!  Hope you enjoyed!


  1. I didn't know you were from Alabama! We live in Florence (North Alabama) and we got TWELVE inches of snow! I had never seen so much!

  2. I sure do! We live about 35 miles north of Birmingham! I can't IMAGINE 12 inches. 4 was enough!

  3. i just found your blog :) i didn't even know it snowed there! looks like your enjoying it!

    hope you have a great day

  4. Yes, Jenna! It's still here, but melting slowly today. I'm following you now, also! Thanks for the sweet comment!

  5. We got snow up here in Seattle too! Cute blog, I'm your newest follower :) Can't wait to play with my little guy in the snow when he gets older!!
