Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Week 9 Update

Time for a questionnaire!

Weight gain: 0-2 pounds.  It depends on what time of day I weigh.

Maternity Clothes:  Unfortunately, yes.  Well, they are pretty comfy, so it's not that bad.  I have started showing MAJORLY in the past 2 weeks.  So I resorted to buying some shorts and capri pants, in order to be most comfortable.  Nobody wants tight pants around a pregnant belly.

Sleep:  Good, most of the time.  Just have a hard time getting comfortable.  And I have a LONG way to go!

Cravings:  Not really.  It depends.  If I see something that sounds good, I have to have it RIGHT AWAY!  I've actually been eating lots of cold things: salads, fruits, veggies, and of course, ice cream. :)

Movement:  Not yet

Symptoms:  Just blah-ness.  I was lucky enough to get a prescription for my nausea, which has helped tremendously!  Now, it's just that "yuck" feeling all the time.  Some pain and pressure, too, I'm sure from my insides stretching and shifting.

Baby this week:
-According to the books, baby is almost an inch long.  However, in my ultrasound 2 weeks ago, it was measuring small.  So maybe not quite an inch.
-Essential body parts are all accounted for, and baby is looking much more human.
-Teeth are forming.
-Organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear.
-Now baby is ready for rapid weight gain... oh, boy!!
Mommy this week:

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