Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm Hooked...

on Yankee Candles.  I have been for a while now.  And since I receive GREAT coupons from them, I just can't help myself.  I understand that they are kind of pricey - considering you can get candles at Wally-World for half the price - but these just "out do" all other candles, in my opinion.

This past weekend, I headed to the mall.  It JUST SO HAPPENED that I had several coupons for YC.  

Buy One Get One Free - Large Jar Candles
Buy One Get One Free - Medium Jar Candles
Buy One Get One Free - Reed Diffusers

I just couldn't pass that up!!!  And they actually let me use the Large Jar coupon twice, since they were out of medium-sized candles in the fragrance I wanted!  It was only a 3 dollar difference and SO worth it!

I got $150.00 worth of candles for $75.00!!!  I call that a deal!

I thought I'd share my favorite scents... and a few new ones I tried this time!

These are my all time favorites... 
my "go to" smells:

Beach Walk is a clean, fresh smelling candle... with a hint of the beach.  It's hard to explain, but it's WONDERFUL!  Probably my all time favorite.

Clean Cotton
This is another great choice if you like clean, fresh scents... it really does smell like clean cotton! This one is also great to keep in your car (they make car fresheners).

Tahitian Tiare Flower
Now, I'm not usually real big on "flowery" scents - I'm allergic to most things - but this one is AMAZING!!!  When I light this candle, it takes me to Hawaii... now, seeing that I've never been there, I just have to imagine this is what it smells like!!!  EVERYTIME I light this candle, I get compliments on how good my house smells.  

*Warning - It is rather strong, so I can only light it for a short period of time.

This time, since my coupon included Diffusers, I bought 2 in this scent... and it is much less powerful than the candle.  I put it in my bathroom and it's just right!

I usually only burn "food" type candles in my kitchen.  I decided to try a new one this time, and I chose Vanilla Cupcake.  It smells exactly like it's name.  I haven't actually burned it yet, but I just open the jar and take a whiff every now and then... it's a great pick-me-up but will DEFINITELY make you hungry!

Strawberry Buttercream
This will be my next purchase!  I had a hard time choosing between the Vanilla Cupcake and this.  If you like Buttercream, you'll LOVE this!  It's got a slight strawberry smell, but not overpowering.  It smelled heavenly!

Blueberry Scone
OH MY GOODNESS!  This is a new one for me, also.  I opened this one to smell it and could NOT put it down.  I don't really care for blueberries - I'm allergic, actually - but I can NOT tell you how good this smells.  Just like blueberry muffins in the oven - but, times 10!  I have had it burning EVERYDAY since I brought it home... yummy!!!

So there's a few of my favorites... I hope you enjoyed and will go try them if you get a chance!  Also, you can sign up online and in the store to receive coupons... and the more you buy, the better the coupons are!

1 comment:

  1. Found you through Location Central, now following your lovely blog!
