Thursday, September 9, 2010

Time Out...

 So, now that we have reached the "I'm 2, and I'm going to act like it" stage, I have resorted to new methods of discipline... the Time-Out Chair.
Jase has always been so easy.  I've really been blessed to have a child who listens well, minds well, and knows what I mean when I say, "No."  But it seems like for the past couple of weeks, he wants to test my patience.  I realize they all go through this stage... the terrible 2's, right?  Well, I want them to pass QUICKLY!

After a couple of meltdowns this weekend, I decided I need to approach it from a different direction.  Before, all I had to do was sit him down and talk to him... he would listen, understand, and everything would be just fine.  Now, he's become a tad more independent and his new phrase is, "I don't want to."  And he says it all the time... not to mention the whiny-ness.  It's got to stop.

So, Monday morning, after arguing with his daddy about something (I'm not sure what, I was in the other room) Daddy went and got "the chair" and sat it in the corner.  He sat him down in the "time-out chair" and told him not to move until he was ready to start acting like a big boy.  A few minutes later, I came to the rescue, sitting down beside him and explaining what he did wrong, why he was in trouble, and how he was going to act from now on....

and IT WORKED!  No more crying for the entire day.  He was back to his precious little self.  
Let's hope it works this well tomorrow... and the next day... and the next day!

1 comment:

  1. The "terrible 2's" are no fun at all!! Time outs happen pretty frequent in our house as well! :-)
