Monday, September 13, 2010

attached at the hip...

I've never really understood why people become so attached to their cell phones.  I always get in trouble for not having mine on... but, being a stay-@-home mom, I rarely leave the house.  When I do, I seemingly forget to turn it on.  

I've never been a text-er... I think my fingers are too fat.  And it bugs me when people use their phones during times they shouldn't - like church. ;)
Just one of my pet peeves.

Now, with all that being said... a few weeks ago, I decided that I wanted a phone I could text on.  Seeing that my phone was from 1999, it wasn't possible.  My brother-in-law came to the rescue.  He's a major "techy" person and buys every new kind of phone as soon as it comes out.  So, he just happened to have a Blackberry that he wasn't using.  He was gracious enough to give it to me!  

I was SOOOOO excited.  Now, I don't really NEED a Blackberry... especially since, like I said before, I don't really go anywhere and can usually be reached at home.  But I wanted to be able to text my hubby at work instead of having to call him 10 million times a day.

After spending an entire day on the phone with AT&T (literally, I called like 4 times in one day - pretty sure they were tired of dealing with me), having all my questions answered about data packages, texting, and megabites, I got it handled. 

So now, I have stepped into the 21st century and can text AND surf the web.... all from my cell phone.  Even got myself a cute little cover for it! :)

And... now I totally understand how people's cell phones so easily and often become attached at the hip.


  1. LOL - it is a very cute phone!! I love the cover!! They do become quite addictive!! :-)

  2. It gets on my nerves too, I have an iphone and I am very guilty of being on it wayyy to much but its just so easy, I mean literally everything is at the touch of a button. I have to make myself put it away sometimes and focus on other things. IT IS VERY ADDICTIVE !!

  3. I think not ever using your cell phone is a Stay at home mom thing! I do have an Iphone and used it like crazy at first but since we have a computer I'd rather use it!
