Wednesday, February 13, 2013

New Beginnings


It's been so long since I've posted here.  And quite frankly, it was good to have a little break.
But it's time to get back at it.

I owe you an update.

December was a hard month.  Technically, nothing majorly heartbreaking happened.  But if you've ever built a house, or bought a house, or had any remote involvement in the whole house process, then you know it can get frustrating when it's down to the wire.

That was our December in a nutshell.... frustrating.

We tried so hard to close on our house before Christmas.  We were told it would happen.
But everything under the sun prevented that from happening.  As I look back, who knows who's actually to blame.  I was beginning to think that I, someone who knows nothing about mortgages or attorney duties, could have done a better job.

But that's not really the case.

I will choose to believe that it happened perfectly... the way He had planned all along.

Though our hearts were sad and angered that things weren't going our way, we still had a wonderful Christmas.  We had to put aside the fact that OUR plans aren't always HIS plans.

And finally, it all worked out.... to our good.

On January 2nd, we met with the attorney (along with Jase and Jett) and closed on our house.  We signed our lives over and they gave us the keys. :)

It was a magnificent feeling and a day I'll never forget.
(more about unforgettable moments in a minute)

We wasted absolutely NO time getting settled in.
We immediately moved our stuff in, had our furniture delivered and unpacked our necessities.
Our first night at our new house was amazing.  We didn't care that there were no groceries in the fridge or pictures on the walls.  
We were just so overjoyed to finally be home.

And it didn't take us long at all to get everything just how we wanted.

Jason and I have asked each other several times since then.... 
"We've only been here a month?"

It feels like forever.  Perfection.


And I must say THANK YOU to all of our family and some special friends for helping us along the way.


One thing we've LOVED doing since we moved in is hosting "dance parties" in the living room.

Tune the t.v. to the music station and dance away!!

But I'll never forget when my sweet hubby dragged me away from my "motherly duties" (aka folding clothes) to dance with him.

Ol' Tim McGraw was singing
"One day when you're looking back on your life 
at the memories
This is gonna be one of those nights."

And I'll never forget that night.


p.s. I WILL take some pictures eventually so you can see our lovely new home... hopefully before it's not new anymore. :)

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