Tuesday, April 3, 2012

those "blah" days...

For some unfortunate reason, I've been having lots of them lately.  

Baby blues???  Who knows.

It could just be that I have a million things racing through my mind each day and I tend to let them get the best of me.

Life is good.  I must remind myself daily.

I am a bit of a worry wart.  Perfectionist.  Planner.  I tend to deal with stress by, well, crying.

And today, I just had myself a little cry.  And it helped.  I repeated to myself, "It's all going to be okay.  It's ALL GOING TO BE OKAY."

As I updated you last time, we're living with Jason's parents.  I am so grateful to them for allowing us to take over their home (or at least the upstairs).  We are so comfy here and I can't complain.

But I'm ready to get the ball rolling.  I miss having my own house.  Even though we have EVERYTHING here we could possibly need, I'm having withdrawals.  It's just not the same.  And unfortunately, it looks as though we'll be missing home for a while longer.  A LONG while.  And it makes me sad.

We still haven't heard a word about our land.  We know our offer was accepted.  That's it.  Our projected closing date came and went.  Some (STUPID, IGNORANT, LOW-LIFE) manager at the bank won't hurry his butt up and sign the stinking contract.  Or whatever it is that he's supposed to sign.  He's being difficult and it's MESSING UP OUR PLANS!!!  We can't take any steps forward until he decides to get with the program.  

Come on, man.... just SIGN THE DANG PAPERS!!!

Even then, that's just the beginning of the process.  We still have to wait to be approved for a construction loan (which could take another 3 weeks).  

Talk about nerves.  Mine are shot.

And on top of that, baby Jett has still been having tummy issues.  There are good days and bad days.... today was a bad day.  But then I have to stop and think - he could be crying CONSTANTLY.  And he's not.  It's just frustrating when they scream bloody murder and you have no idea what's wrong.  Or how to fix it.  Mommies should be able to fix everything.

So today was a "blah" day.  Even though my life is pretty incredible and I am blessed beyond measure.  Sometimes it feels good to "waller in self pity."  

I'll be okay.  Tomorrow will be a better day.  I believe it.

And I'm praying (and would appreciate your prayers, too) for a miracle with our land.  He knows the desires of my heart and I will continue to praise Him and hope for the best.

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