Saturday, January 29, 2011

The object is worth the effort...

Last Sunday, we had a special guest speaker at our church, Brother Toby Morgan.  He recently became the Church of God State Overseer in New Mexico.

He had a wonderful sermon.  I was touched... and I know many others were, as well.  I felt like he was speaking to my husband.  After last week's discussions about how difficult it is to show Christ's love and compassion to those around you (who want to see you fail), I felt like he definitely needed to hear Mr. Morgan's message.  We don't always understand the circumstance, why it's so difficult, or why we have to suffer.  But the end result is totally going to be worth it.  There are days when he won't feel like witnessing.... and he may feel that no one sees or listens.  But the object is worth the effort.  God sees.  And he rewards those who seek and serve Him.

Brother Morgan spoke of a story that I felt so inspired by.  I just had to share with you.

Meet Fanny Crosby.

Living during the 1800's - early 1900's, she was a famous lyricist.  She wrote over 8,000 hymns, including Blessed Assurance.  The interesting part?  She was completely blind.

When Fanny was 6 weeks old, she caught a cold and developed inflammation in her eyes.  A "quack" came up with a solution...  mustard seed powder.  After having this concoction smeared in her eyes, she lost her eyesight.

When she was 15, she enrolled at the New York Institute for the Blind.  There, she learned to play the piano, the guitar and sing.

Crosby did not spend her life in self-pity or bitterness.  Instead, she dedicated her life to Christ.

She remarked, "If perfect earthly sight were offered to me tomorrow, I would not accept it.  I might not have sung hymns to the praise of God if I had been distracted by the beautiful and interesting things about me."  

"When I get to Heaven, the first face that shall ever gladden my sight will be that of my Savior."

I loved that story so much, I had to share it with you.  No matter what your circumstance, you cannot live life bitter or angry because God blesses you differently than others.  He can still change your life for the better.


  1. This is a little late, but I was watching your Walgreen's haul, and then I saw the video of Jase and Jason playing in the fire truck tent. I was laughing so hard on the part where Jason is trying to make the fire truck noise and he starts laughing! Hilarious!

  2. That's my favorite video of them!!! I watch it all the time when I need a good laugh. :)
