Saturday, January 15, 2011

New meaning...

If you missed my "inspiring post" for last Saturday, you should read it first.  Also, if you haven't read Edie's story from Life in Grace, you should click HERE and read it immediately.  She and her family lost their home to a fire several weeks ago (right before Christmas) and she continues to touch my heart with each new blog post since then.

There are a couple of things this week that have inspired/touched me - coming from 2 different people, but they seem to fit together perfectly.

The first came while reading Edie's blog post entitled "It's all just stuff?".  The picture of her daughter's sweater (that she was in the process of knitting when the house burned) said so much, without even reading the meaning behind her posting it.

If you don't have time to read it, she tells about how she started knitting this sweater for her daughter Caiti 2 or 3 years ago.  When her daughter left home, it was "therapy" for her.  Edie often took it with her wherever she went, working on it whenever she had a bit of spare time.  She lacked 2 inches on the sleeves, and hoped to have it finished by Christmas.  She brought it inside a few days before the fire to finish it... but now it's gone.

One thing she said in her post just JUMPED right off the page at me... something I've been thinking about all week.

She said, "But for now, we sit quiet and thankful for the stuff of memories, those things we ponder in our hearts - like Mary - that nothing can destroy, for they are imprinted forever, wonderful gifts from God that will comfort us in our waiting and strengthen us in our doubting."

As soon as I read those words, I was taken back to the church service we had last Sunday.  God has really been moving in a mighty way... restoring, saving, and healing.  This past week, during a special time of prayer, a man came forward.  Someone I don't think I've seen in the altar since I've been at Christway.  He's such an amazing man, a Godly man.  But this day, Mr. Earl White, Sr., was a broken man.  He is probably in his 70s (if I had to guess), has raised his children in church, who have in turn raised their children in church.  He's someone you can TOTALLY depend on, if you need a helping hand, or just someone to pray for you.

He shared with our pastor and our church family how the Devil had come against him lately... he had doubts.

That is a word that's common in our vocabulary.  Sometimes we don't want to admit it.  It meant so much to see this man (whom I admire greatly) admit that he had doubted God.

We've all been there.  Just like Edie.  Hard times press us and we doubt that God cares... that He's listening... that He understands.

But then He speaks to us... through a song, through a picture, through a friend, or through a blog post.

Just like Edie, I realized that doubting is natural... especially when you've been through a difficult or devastating time (such as losing everything you own in the blink of an eye).  But we have a greater hope... Our hope is in Him.

He sees.  He hears.  He understands.  He cares.  And He will never fail us.  Even when things can't seem to get any worse, He's there... waiting on the perfect time to show up.  To work a miracle in our lives.  Waiting on the perfect time to show us - He's in control and He loves us.

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