Sunday, December 12, 2010

You wanna play what???

Since this past Summer, my husband and I have gotten into games... card games, that is.  While on vacation, we got hooked on Uno.  He also taught me to play Rummy (or however you spell it).

This past Sunday night, we played both.  I lost both.

I was frustrated.  So I suggested we play Scrabble.  I asked for a Scrabble game for Christmas a few years ago, and we've only used it twice since then... we aren't quite as big Scrabble fanatics as I thought we'd be.

But we pulled it out and started playing...

After the first few turns, I could tell I had made a MAJOR mistake bringing it to the table.  But my hubby refused to quit.  We did have dictionaries handy, but that didn't seem to help us make any words larger than CAT and OAR. :)

Well, I take that back, we had a few good ones... 

That's the LAST TIME I will ask to play that game.. it was pure torture.  But at least I got to spend some quality time with my best friend. :)

1 comment:

  1. pictionary is my all time favorite game. Everytime we play it, Mikey and I kill everyone else. It's like we are on the same page when it comes to drawing or something. Anyway, it is fun to play one on one as well where you draw and he guesses, etc. It's fun! Try it! Some of our hardest tears-in-your-eye, wet-your-pants laughter happened when we were playing pictionary. It is so funny to see what other people draw and expect you to understand! I am giggling just thinking about some of our funnier moments!
