Sunday, December 19, 2010


I haven't ever really been into the whole Elf on a Shelf thing... but I guess b/c Jase is just now old enough to understand the concept.

However, this year we were sent an Elf by my aunt in Georgia.  She had an extra (since she misplaced him last year and had to buy a new one this year) so she mailed him to us.

We named him Sammy... and he's been up to some trickery ever since he arrived.

Now, Jase is only 2, so I decided Sammy would NOT be making many messes this year.  He might just pop up in unusual places each morning.

The first morning, Friday, we found him hiding in our Christmas tree!

Saturday, he had gotten in the fridge and eaten Jase's yogurt... Jase LOVES yogurt, so he thought that was hilarious!  I wish I had gotten his reaction on camera.

Sammy took the weekend off, but he was right back at it on Monday morning.

He decided to read Jase's new book... easy peasy, and Jase thought it was too funny!

Tuesday, Sammy decided he would make a mess with Cheerios on the kitchen table... but that idea didn't go over too well.  Later that afternoon, I found Jase "scattering" Cheerios ALL OVER the living room floor.  NO MORE MESSES FOR SAMMY! :)  Jase was sad that "Sammy got him in trouble."

Wednesday, Sammy was perched in Jase's stocking, just hanging out!

 Thursday morning, Sammy was pooped... he'd had a long week so far, so he decided to hop in bed with me after Daddy left for work.  I think this one got the best reaction from Jase... he laughed his little head off! :)

We are so glad Sammy found his home here in Dora, AL.  We are enjoying his sillyness! :)

We'll keep you updated on his tricks to come... I love documenting these things. :)


  1. Carolyn:):):) This is WAY WAY WAY too cute.
    Jase is precious!

    Oh, thanks for the congratulations on Graduating. I am SO excited.
    But you know since I am home, If you ever need a babysitter for that little cutie of yours, I would be more than happy to help out!

    Anyway, Hope you and your family have an AMAZING and BLESSED Christmas.


  2. Thank you, brianna! I will definitely think about you the next time I need a babysitter. :) Which isn't often, since I don't go anywhere! ha. But you'll be the first one I think about. Merry Christmas to you!
