Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Week 23 Update

Yesterday's doctor's appointment went great.  I had a few things to discuss with her, but everything turned out to be normal (and nothing I can do anything about), so all is well.

The only thing I was disappointed about: weight gain.  I was doing so good, holding at 12 pounds for the past few weeks.  But yesterday, the scale said a whopping 19 POUND gain total, 7 in the past 3 weeks.  Major sad face.

But I read in my "What to Expect When You Are Expecting" book last night that this trimester, you can expect to gain 1-2 pounds each week.  I'm just going to start laying off the Cokes and salty foods, b/c I can already see some swelling in my legs and feet.  We'll see what happens over the next few weeks.

I have one more 4 week appointment, where I'll do my glucose screening, and then it'll be every 2 WEEKS!!  It's getting closer.  I know my due date is still 4 months away, but it'll be here before we know it!

Baby this week:
-Jett has a well developed sense of movement now.  Time to start playing music in his little ears!
-He's measuring approximately 11 inches long and weighing in at over 1 pound.
-He's big enough now that I can see him move, kick, and jump outside my belly.  So funny. :)
-His ears and sense of hearing are developed enough now that he can hear things like: dogs barking, vacuum cleaners roaring, and Jase screaming at him from outside his home. :)

I promise I'm going to start taking pictures of my growing belly.  But I write these posts in the morning, before I ever get out of my pajamas. :)  And it's not a pretty sight.

So I'll start taking pictures at NIGHT before I go to bed so you can see Jett growing!!  And me getting fatter!!

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