Saturday, April 16, 2011

I have fallen...

.... in love with this lady.

Kelle Hampton.

I found her blog recently, and I cannot get enough.

She is an awesome photographer (one that I would love to get one-on-one tutoring sessions from).  She is a mom.  She tells it like it is.  And most importantly, she shares her life story with us.  I love her point of view and her love for life.

This week, she linked to a post she did last year.  It was about the birth of her second child, Nella.

A few weeks ago, I mentioned Kelle's post about Down Syndrome Awareness Day.  Nella suffers from Down Syndrome.  Her parents, however, feel she is perfect.  And if you've seen her picture, she is DEFINITELY perfect.

So when I found this post of her birth story, I couldn't wait to read it!

It touched me.  Being a mommy, there is no way you can read the story and not be moved.

I know it's a long story, but I beg you to take the time to read it.  It's a symbol of true love, motherhood, family, forgiveness, and so many more things that are extremely important in life. 

I promise you won't be disappointed.

I often think about people who have children with special needs.  I honestly believe that God places those children in people's lives for a reason.  He chooses our children wisely.  I believe those Mommies and Daddies will have huge crowns waiting on them in Heaven.  He believes they are worthy, strong, and patient enough to care for a tiny child... one who depends solely on them.

It is absolutely the most rewarding job in the world.. to be a parent.

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