Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Planning, Planning, Planning!

I am definitely a planner.  And actually, I think one of my new year's "GOALS" was to STOP being so precise, planned, and in order.  But I just can't help myself.  I'm a calendar girl. :)

So even though it's not until April, I've already begun planning Jase's 3rd Birthday Bash... :(

I'll share with you how SAD I am later.  For now, back to the plans.

Last year, we had Jase's bday party at my Grandmother's house.  She has a HUGE, flat, front yard.  And we had her house ready as a back up.  But the weather was PERFECT!!  We set up a couple of tents, tables and chairs, and just had a grand ol' time.

This year, we're going for the same idea.  Fun, easy, and cheap. :)

I'm thinking (if we're still living in this DAD-GUM HOUSE - which is so cute, by the way - we'd LOVE for you to buy it, please) we're just going to have the party here.  My husband is not too fond of the idea, but I think it'll be fine.  As long as the weather cooperates.

We have a covered carport that will be perfect for the tables and food.  Our backyard is also pretty shaded, so that'll be the perfect place for the kiddies.  And then, the inside will be available to any grannies and papas that want to get out of the heat.  IF it's hot.  Last year was just perfect.  So we'll start praying for 75 and sunny NOW.  (His 1st bday was a nightmare.  Perfect weather all week until the day of... it turned cloudy and COLD!!!  Almost turned me off completely to outside parties that time of year, but since we had great luck last year, we'll try again... only with a back-up plan.)

So we're going with a TRAIN theme.  Lots of bright colors, balloons, banners, and train decorations (we have several little train sets that he got for Christmas, so they'll make perfect table toppers).

I designed his invitation last week (getting a head start, I know) which is something I've done every year.  I just love "trying" to be creative. :)

And I'm going to attempt to make his cake.  I did last year and it turned out SUPER cute... especially for a first-timer.

I went to Hobby Lobby last week to get some inspiration.  Here it is.

I bought this little wooden train thinking I could use it as decoration on the cake (like driving down a little track).  However, when I went to my Mom's to pick Jase up and showed her, I could see the hamster running 90-to-nothing in his wheel.  This was her idea:
Make sense???

I thought it was a GENIUS idea.  She's so smart... and talented.
When I began planning this party, I had almost decided it would just be easier to let someone else make the cake.  But after Mother's awesome idea, I'm so excited!!!

I can't wait to share it with you... but you'll have to wait until April! :)


  1. Carolyn...I am the exact same way! Carson's birthday isn't until May 25th and started planning the last week in January! I was wanting to do a party at our house, but Carson is wanting to go to one of the jumping places like I-Jump or Froggy's which I really don't want to do, but it may be nice to let someone else take care of the planning for me...we'll see! I hear other moms sometimes at birthday parties say that they planned their kids party in the week or week before the party...I could never do that! haha. I'm glad to see there is someone else that is just as big of an obsessive planner like me :o)

  2. The cake idea is just too cute!! Riley is very much into trains right now...so I've already been thinking of a train themed party for him too(and his birthday isn't until August! lol). I'm pretty sure if we go through with the train theme that I'll rent a kiddie train for the party. Riley will have a mini stroke. He loves to ride "choo choo's". You might consider that for Jase too. I've even thought of ways to make our own train ride...Jason pulling the kids in wagons behind the lawn mower complete with cardboard cut out train parts. LOL
