Monday, October 25, 2010

He's famous...

Yep.  That's right.  Jase is a superstar.  

A few months ago, I sent his picture to the Birmingham Botanical Garden's facebook page.  They have a little magazine called Garden Dirt that is published every 2 months.  Each issue's cover features a picture taken at the Gardens.

And what do you know???  

They chose Jase's picture!

We were beyond excited!

A few weekends ago, we went to the Gardens on Saturday to stroll around in the nice, beautiful weather after eating breakfast @ Another Broken Egg.

There was a plant sale going on that day, along with other fun things.  

They had a table set up at the entrance with complimentary copies of the Garden Dirt magazine.

We were so excited to see them laying there!  It was like seeing your name in bright lights.

We picked up several copies and Jase got to sign autographs. :)

Here's his fifteen minutes of fame.


  1. How sweet that they let him sign autographs!?!

  2. The picture for the magazine is adorable, but the picture of him holding the magazine is even better!

  3. So sweet!!! I know you were excited!
