Friday, September 24, 2010

Excuse me while I take a load off...

My husband did it again... stuck his foot in his mouth.  

We rarely argue.  But when we do, it's usually his fault.  HA!

Now,  I admit.... I have a problem.  I am TERRIBLE at holding grudges.  I have tried working on it, but I just can't change.  
Oh well.  Guess that's just me.

When we do argue, it takes me several days to get over it.  And since he knows this, you'd think he'd just steer clear of making me angry, right?  Of course not.

So last night, after telling him a story about something that happened to me online yesterday, he jumps down my throat about how "this computer thing is getting out of control."  

This computer thing???  

Um.... excuse me, but we do live in the 21st century where computers are quite useful and will continue to be a major part of our existence.  

Now, again, I admit that I stay on the computer a lot, and I can KINDA understand where he's coming from... yes, I admit that, too.  But still, that doesn't give him a reason to fuss at me like a little girl.

This is my point.

Last Saturday, he ticked me off majorly (yet, I refrained from talking to him about it... instead, I just went to bed and got over it all by my lonesome).  But after last night's disagreement, it all became clear to me.  He thinks I spend too much time on the computer, when in actuality, I am doing something I enjoy.  

See... Saturday night, while he was piled up on the couch watching football, I was watching makeup tutorials on YouTube - something I love doing.  I wasn't bothering anyone.  I had tried to carry on several conversations with him throughout the evening (since he'd been in the woods ALL FREAKIN' DAY) but he was too interested in the game.  Then it happened... he made a comment about how I was going a little "overboard" with all of this "makeup stuff."

EXCUSE ME???!!!???

I have found something that I ENJOY doing and am PASSIONATE about, and you are going to tell me that I am "OVERBOARD"?  

I don't think so, my friend.

I don't hunt... I don't fish... I don't play basketball.

No... I stay home everyday (which I am NOT complaining about) to take care of YOU!!!

I wash your clothes... I clean the house... I cook dinner... I take out the trash... and I entertain YOUR CHILD all day long!

And you are going to criticize me for finding something I ENJOY DOING???
WOW!  It feels good to get that off my chest.  Mind you, I haven't discussed this w/ my dear husband.  After he lashed out last night, he QUICKLY realized he was in the wrong and spent the rest of the night apologizing.  
You know how they get when you ignore 'em for a while.

Maybe he'll end up reading this and I won't have to discuss it.  I really do like to avoid confrontation if at all possible.

Now, I must end by saying... I love my husband.  He is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  I would be lost without him.  

But... he sure knows how to crank my tractor!

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